


Where? What? When

Updated 10-16-2024


October 19th–Bread of Life Food Outreach

Nov 2nd, 8:30 am—Sunday School Breakfast Leon KS

Nov 3rd—Daylight savings time ends

Nov 10th—”A-Team” BYOL

Nov 13th—Newsletter items due

Nov 17th—OCC Packing Party (this is a change from the published calendar!)

Nov 18th-25th—OCC Collections week


  • November 5-10—Casas por Cristo Mission trip to Juarez Mexico. Total trip cost $1050.  Please pray for our team of two that is going, and give as you feel led.

Wednesday Meal Prep Workers

4th Wednesday (Oct 23rd)—Darlene & Sandy

5th Wednesday (Oct 30th)—Laura & Deb

1st Wednesday (Nov 6th)—Robert & Carol

2nd Wednesday (Nov 13th)—Susan, Marsha, Paula

3rd Wednesday (Nov 20th)—Mary G. Carolyn J.


Date Prayer Bus Driver Children’s Church     Head


Counter 2 Counter 3
10/20 David C. Sheila Brickley Keith A. Karen L. Johnie G. Janna D. Marsha P
10/27 Joe L. John Guest Johnie G. Rod L. Johnie G. Ulala P. Deb
11/3 Joe R. SUB Reinert John B. Julie H. Deb S. Susan F. Laura L.
11/10 Johnie G. Deb Reinert Kat H. Cara S. Deb S. Janna D. John T.
11/17 John M. Janna Reinert Keith A. Karen L. Deb S. Laura L. Marsha P


October  OCC Shopping List

  • WOW items like a soccer ball/football with pump, a doll, a stuffed animal
  • Toys: (nothing war related like guns or camo) Bars of soap, NO LIQUIDS, please
  • pencil sharpeners
  • Hairbrushes/combs for girls and boys
  • Hair accessories (hair ties, bows, clips, headbands)

 Other items:

  • Sunglasses
  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Hats
  • Drawstring bags, purses, wallets
  • Clothing– shoes, flip flops, socks, underwear



Mission Trip Needs

  • Funds to send our team
  • New or gently used stuffed animals for evangelism


Other Needs

  • Benevolence Money
  • Here We Grow Money to help us get us re-furnished, etc. in our home building.
  • Food Pantry Money or food
  • Volunteer bus drivers for Sundays and Wednesday nights


Food Pantry Grocery List:

  • Cereal
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Rice
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Beans
  • Canned Meat
  • Pasta
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Ramen noodles



Our Here We Grow fund is available for extra gifts that aid the future growth of our church.  Please write HWG in your memo line


Our Current  Schedule (All activities are back “home” at 200 Oil Hill Road)

  • Sunday School 9:30 am
  • Sunday Worship 10:45 am
  • Sunday 5 pm—Women’s Bible StudyLaura’s Home
  • Mondays 6:15 pm—Prayer meeting
  • Tuesdays 6:30 pm Celebrate Recovery
  • Wednesdays 6:30 pm—Bible Study for all ages. Adults & Children

Laura’s Office Hours (subject to change)


9:30 am-11:30 am /

1:30—3:30 pm

Thurs 9:30-11:30 am

Please make an appointment if you want to be sure to catch us, we will do our best to accommodate you.


Church Cell Phone: (316-351-9938)

Office Phone:  (316-321-3465)




Church Cell Phone: (316-351-9938)

Office Phone:  (316-321-3465) Currently forwarded to the cell



Laura’s Office Hours (subject to change)


9:30 am-11:30 am /

1:30—3:30 pm

Thurs 9:30-11:30 am

Please make an appointment if you want to be sure to catch us, we will do our best to accommodate you.


Church Cell Phone: (316-351-9938)

Office Phone:  (316-321-3465) Currently forwarded to the cell



Our Here We Grow fund is available for extra gifts that aid the future growth of our church.  Please write HWG in your memo line


Our Current  Schedule

  • Sunday School 9:30 am Prospect Baptist Church 1035 SE Bluestem Rd
  • Sunday Worship 10:45 am Prospect Baptist Church 1035 SE Bluestem Rd
  • Sunday 5 pm Women’s Bible Study
  • Mondays 6:15 pm Prayer meeting (Gragg’s House)
  • Tuesdays 6:30 pm Celebrate Recovery (Flint Hills Services 505 S. Walnut Valley Drive (Behind Holiday Inn)
  • Wednesdays 6:30 pm Bible studies for all ages resume Sept 11.  Adults & Children—1035 SE Bluestem Rd, Youth at East Park




Church Cell Phone: (316-351-9938)

Office Phone:  (316-321-3465) Currently forwarded to the cell

David Crook,  Pastor



Lisa Crook, Youth Ministry 785-207-7189. 


Paula Mattice, Children’s Ministry email:

 On Facebook: fsbceldorado, FSBC Children’s Ministry, First Southern Baptist Church Youth





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You will need a valid e-mail address to sign-up and our organization number: TK234. Signing up will NOT in any way effect your fuel points!